Face B
Ruggiero & Friends

Fr     Identité réalisée pour l’exposition d’art contemporain “Face B” en relation avec la musique. Le visuel represente une propagation sonore constituée par une typographie condencée écrivant le nom “Face B”.

En     The poster is for a contemporary art exhibition “Face B” in relation with music. The visual of the poster shows a sound propagation on the over part constituted by a tight typography writing the name “Face B”. The typography is purely constituted of blocks and lines who brings strongness to the composition. The typeface starts from ultra-condensed to an extended version. The information text is adjusted and composed in relation with the big “Face B” lettering.


Printing technique: Digital
Size: Poster F4 895 x 1280 mm / Flyer A5 148 x 210 mm
Year: 2017